Monday, June 9, 2008

John William Waterhouse paintings

John William Waterhouse paintings
John Singer Sargent paintings
Jean-Leon Gerome paintings
Lorenzo Lotto paintings
What, art thou come? On, gentlemen; away!Our masquing mates by this time for us stay.
[Exit with Jessica and Salarino]
Who's there?
Signior Antonio!
Fie, fie, Gratiano! where are all the rest?'Tis nine o'clock: our friends all stay for you.No masque to-night: the wind is come about;Bassanio presently will go aboard:I have sent twenty out to seek for you.
I am glad on't: I desire no more delightThan to be under sail and gone to-night.
[Exeunt][Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.]
[Flourish of cornets. Enter PORTIA, with the PRINCE OF MOROCCO, and their trains]PORTIA
Go draw aside the curtains and discoverThe several caskets to this noble prince.Now make your choice.

1 comment: said...

John William Waterhouse paintings"