Monday, August 11, 2008

William Bouguereau paintings

William Bouguereau paintings
Yvonne Jeanette Karlsen paintings

Avtandil paintings
of the time belligerently maintaining distance and independence. This is one reason they find it so easy to ignore us "ghosts"—they ignore one another most of the time. It's unwise for a Veksi ever to come closer than arm's length to another Veksi without a clear invitation. It's dangerous for anybody, sister or stranger, to approach a solitary's house. If they have to do so, they stand at a distance and shout various ritual statements of warning and appeasement. Even so the solitary may ignore them, or come out with a scowl and a short sword to run them off. Women solitaries are notoriously even more short-tempered and dangerous than the men.
Despite their irritability with one another, the Veksi can and do work together. Most of their highly effective agriculture is communal, pursued according to efficient and unvarying custom. Fierce arguments and quarrels arise unceasingly over details of the customs, but the work goes on.

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