Friday, October 31, 2008

Mary Cassatt Children on the Shore painting

Mary Cassatt Children on the Shore paintingMary Cassatt Young Mother Sewing paintingGuido Reni The Penitent Magdalene painting
with someone with whom I don't have to have a fight every time I express an opinion. Someone on the side of the goddamn angels." He waited; after a pause, there was more. "Him and his Royal Family, you wouldn't believe. Cricket, the Houses of Parliament, the Queen. The place never stopped being a picture postcard to him. You couldn't get him to look at what was really real." She closed her eyes and allowed her hand, by accident, to rest on his. "He was a real Saladin," Jumpy said. "A man with a holy land to conquer, his England, the one he believed in. You were part of it, too." She rolled away from him and stretched out on top of magazines, crumpled balls of waste paper, mess. "Part of it? I was bloody Britannia. Warm beer, mince pies, common-sense and me. But I'm really real, too, J.J.; I really really am." She reached over to him, So it begs the question: would any of you decide whether to marry someone or not based on how much money they had?? And if so, how much money would it take?

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